Discover how to relax healthily. Today's society has a rhythm that can be exhausting. To make good decisions in your life, you need to have a Mental Balance. Your mind needs to be unplugged from time to time, and it is not bad that you do it. On the contrary, you will see how it has a positive effect on your attitude and your way of dealing with the things that arise in your day to day life.
What is mental balance?
The mental balance is the ability to get a midpoint in everything related to your emotions, thoughts and other mental aspects. Sometimes it seems complicated, especially because of the large amount of external stimuli that we receive continuously. The media and the big brands (among many others) bombard us with messages that try to shape our way of thinking, of seeing the world and even of getting excited. They create our needs oriented towards excessive consumerism. They make us believe that by buying their product we will be happier, we will have more friends and we will have a better time. To combat these types of messages, you need to have great strength and mental balance.
We are uneasy by nature, but we make the best decisions when we are relaxed. We need a relaxation of body and mind to lead a successful life. I do not mean that you become the "Wolf of Wall Street" when I talk about success. When I talk about triumph in life, I mean that when the day of your death arrives, you can think, I have lived and I have enjoyed doing what I wanted to do. That is the greatest success you can reap in your life.
As you get older, you'll see it clearer. The hard part is seeing it when you're young. No matter your social status, race, economic means or personal situation. Achieving full mental balance means that you are aware of each and every decision you make. And not only that, but you take them based on a reasoned argument (sometimes you can perform acts without thinking, as long as they do not have negative consequences on your health or on the people around you). You have to know that they are trying to manipulate the most precious thing you have, your thought. Luckily, this can be combated although you will need to make a great effort to Maintain Healthy Habits to find your mental balance.
How to achieve mental balance?
Jonathan Otto, the popular researcher and journalist has released several research documentaries that depict how negative thoughts can actually affect your physical and mental health. If you watch these documentary series, you will come to know how the medicines can be overpowered by positive thoughts when it comes to healing of diseases including life threatening autoimmune diseases.
To get a mental balance, you need patience and common sense. You have to learn to have a critical vision of things. You can not believe everything they tell you or everything you see through a screen. You have to learn to distinguish good information from information that tries to take you to a "prefabricated" thought. It seems difficult to achieve, and I do not tell you that it is not, but you will achieve it if you are consistent and you are determined to follow a routine of habits that will benefit your mental health.
There are many relaxation techniques that will help you release accumulated tension. They are techniques that through movement and meditation will get body and mind to relax. On the other hand, apart from this method you need to have an analytical way of thinking. This is achieved using common sense. The academic training can also help you in this case. The mere fact of reading often helps you to create critical thinking and know how to distinguish what interests you from what does not. As you can see, mental balance can be achieved little by little with simple actions.
What is emotional balance?
Most of the time, mental balance comes from the hand of emotional balance. Our social condition of human beings brings with it a series of emotions before different stimuli that happen around us. Living with emotion is the best you can do. Although you must be careful because the capitalist society in which we live is going to try to provoke your emotions to sell you things. Therefore, it is very good to be emotional with things that are authentic and true. On the contrary, you must distinguish them from those that you want to touch the feeling (and we assure you that they do, because they are very well oriented towards the consumer) to take you to a place that you are not choosing.
Emotional balance cannot be taught or learned. It will give you your own life experience. What can be learned and put into practice are a series of healthy habits to achieve it in the best possible way. These habits are also going to be linked with observation. You do not have to lock yourself in a library to study the reasons for human behavior. Just look at what happens around you, how people behave in different social situations and how they manifest their emotions in them. Through this detailed and meticulous observation, you will learn to distinguish when an emotion is pure and without interest of others that seek an objective (usually economic or of another type of benefit for the one that provokes it).
Keys to mental and emotional balance
The way to achieve mental and emotional balance is very marked by the personality of each human being. Some will achieve it before, others will achieve it later and there will even be people who spend their entire lives without finding such balances. The keys to getting a balanced mind and emotions will depend on your commitment and your maturity. The experience of life will teach you many things about this subject. When we talk about life experience does not mean that an older person has a more developed mental and emotional balance (although many times this is the case), but that any person will acquire this balance as he overcomes obstacles of any kind that arise in his life.
One is forging oneself as one moves along the path of one's destiny. Each person will have problems and we will reap some successes. The way in which we face them and enjoy them will depend on how mature we are at the moment they arise. That maturity, in turn, will be achieved every time we go through one of these periods of problems or successes. And do you know the best of all? That life never stops and that every day you will have the opportunity to grow as a person and acquiring the mental and emotional balance that we all want to be happy.
What is spiritual balance?
The spiritual balance is a part of the mental balance related to the thinking and beliefs of each person. There are people who believe in a figure of a God, others believe in nature (the power of plants and animals), others believe in a great explosion that formed the Universe. As you can see, the number of beliefs is proportional to the number of different cultures that exist in the world. They are all respectable and each one has the freedom to choose the one that most fits their way of being, the one that seems most logical or the one that seems more mystical. It is one of the greatest freedoms available to a human being and therefore you cannot deprive anyone of believing in what you want as long as it does not harm other people, obviously.