Depression- a term often heard but neglected- terming it as a myth, as an upset mood or sometimes just mood swings! Do you know major depressive disorder affects around 10% of the world population aged 18 and above? Usually, people who are seeking treatment are prescribed 2nd generation antidepressant medicine or therapy, in extreme cases. However, as we have already discussed in our blogs that anti-depressants are not as effective as we used to believe in terms of depression treatment. In fact, some of them are harmful to your health and can be addictive as well.
One study even claims that only 1/3 of the participants are able to reach remission after being prescribed antidepressant medications. Most of the patients are required to try several different drugs in order to see their depression symptoms diminish. The alternative to such medicines is CBT- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy- an apt solution to treat Depression in adults.
CBT- not the regular talk and discuss therapy
CBT is a type of directed and discussion-driven therapy where a depression suffering patient is made to work with one to one trained counsellor. Experts believe that our cognitive abilities have a large impact on our feelings. So a CBT tries to teach people to be aware of what they feel and think and then check whether their notions and ideas are correct. It is important because, though this therapy, it is easy to identify a lot of conditions like depression where patients tend to be negatively biased.
Their thoughts are catastrophic and negative than the reality. Through CBT, the therapist tries to be aware of these negative thoughts and help the patient to adjust and adapt in order to feel better. There are a lot of evidence that CBT is effective not only for depression but for a wide range of mental disorders.
Think beyond drugs and supplements
Evidences prove that medications are effective but their results are moderate. Similarly, the evidences have also proved that psychotherapies like CBT are effective. Both work pretty well for moderate depression. But for severe depression patients, a combination of both along with complete motivational support is needed.
The right therapy for the first time
While there are plenty of therapies and medication options available for people with depression, but it is best to work in association with patients over the choice on how to approach and treat their conditions. While some patients prefer medication, others prefer therapies and emotional support to come from their darker phase. Being able to offer people more than one alternative to manage this serious problem is a good thing.
More and more doctors should opt for CBT before they switch to drugs in cases where a mild or moderate form of depression is found. To get more information about the effect of supplements and medication as well as about depression and its impacts, its treatment and how therapy is effective to subscribe to the documentaries and video series by Jonathan Otto, the popular research journalist from the USA. His reviews and work is famous worldwide for shedding light on the facts and figures related to autoimmune diseases, health secrets, depression, mental illness, and its awareness.