Depression and anxiety can get the better of anyone and the higher you go in the age ladder chances are that you will be afflicted with this complication.The mismatch between expectation and reality is what depression can be defined as and its depression occurs when our needs are not met and there is a huge mismatch between what we expect and what we actually achieve. Sometimes our mind, body, soul and all our intuitive faculties a just cannot align themselves to get the desired results and deliver the output that our peers, companies and organisations expect of us.
Things just won’t move in the direction you want to move and there is slow progress that will engender anxiety and trigger sleeplessness. This in turn-will cause frequent urination, high blood pressure,resulting in impaired digestion and an inability to think clearly and keep our mind strong.
As human beings, we need to understand that we are the only species that has been chosen by God through intelligent selection to live the life which animals cannot. We have been gifted with the power of intelligence and speech to communicate our problems to others which animals or birds cannot. Though they try to communicate in their own way to their peer group, they cannot do so in the way humans do across geography through various forms of media.
Sleeping on time is the number one rule to finish anxiety depression from your life
Yes, if you can sleep on time after taking all your medicines, then you are one step ahead of others in your peer group as rest of them may be chasing your sleep schedules. But it is not that easy a game after all, as you need to have a clean colon and no irritation in the gut or liver to sleep on time.
Impaired digestion, problems in the intestinal tract, problems in the pancreas or breathing problems due to problems in the cardio thoracic region can really become huge obstacles to killing depression and anxiety.We need to understand that life is so beautiful, and we need to understand that we have to respect the laws of nature. Much of the depression anxiety that we face today in our lives is because our circadian rhythms are not in sync with those defined by nature. If you wake up at 2pm and sleep at 2am then that will not be the ideal route to attain sustained success.
Certain times, there are exigencies in your job that will make you stretch longer than expected and you might need to put in long hours more than normal and it might disturb your circadian rhythms and disturb your whole -body schedule. But getting back in shape and in line with the sleep patterns established by nature is important.
People working odd shifts in high-risk professions like fire-fighting, ambulance police or those where 24*7 work is required like hotels, airlines, railways, medicine, pharmacy are quite prone to depression and anxiety. Some use exercise to beat of the stress, while others use jogging, cycling, running, dancing to keep off the stress/calories away which get deposited and make your clothes shorter when you are depressed.
How it sets off a chain reaction!
The first casualty of depression is your performance on the job, and you would not feel like going to work and just give it up all in return for that precious mental peace. Depression and anxiety can trigger asthma in polluted environments, and it will be your companion for life, if corrective action is not taken. But this seven-part documentary series from Jonathan Otto that is being released on the web offers practical solutions for solving everyday problems without medication.
All three tropics fall in this continent that receives the direct rays of the sun and has a hot tropical climate while the northern part is mostly an extension of the sub-Saharan desert. Due to lack of a proper health care infrastructure that cannot penetrate the jungles, millions die to diseases that can easily be preventable and curable. Diseases are rampant and that too the life-threatening ones like aids, tuberculosis, cancer, malaria which happen as patients have less immunity against basic cold, cough and fever arising out of mosquito bites.
Give a better meaning to life
Life is not about earning money, going to office and coming back and then going off to sleep to prepare for the next day. Till the age of 35 or 40 this kind of life might be appealing but after a point, you want to get out of this rut and live life on your own terms. You are no longer a fresher, neither you a retired but you have almost as many skills that your boss has which you can deploy in a partnership or on business.
Taking good care of your mind and body will help in clear thinking and you become stronger mentally to take on the bigger challenges of life. During young age, people are mired in debt but later when they develop a surplus do they start thinking about what really they want to do in life with all the money they have made and the surplus which the family is accumulating each day to take care of the children and ageing parents.
Very early in life, Jonathan was moved by the plight of those suffering in the dark continent. As a child, he coaxed his mother to donate to charity whenever he saw a commercial asking for help from the privileged ones.Upon attaining adulthood, he decided to use the medium of film to get the message across and disseminate the knowledge that he had accumulated over many years of painstaking research with his wife. He has worked on the secrets outlined in the bible that can have a bearing on the longevity of human life, secrets that can reverse autoimmune diseases and remove depression, and anxiety from your life.